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A Fixed Heart

A Fixed Heart

“He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.” – Psalm 112:7

Hi Family!

My father-in-law introduced us to this passage of scripture in Psalm 112 some years ago at a very rough time in our family’s life. Our son Zephaniah, now 19, received some very grim news from doctors when he was just 13. They told us he had a tumor in head which had attached itself to his brain, sinus and left eye. One doctor told us, “This will be a long journey for you guys, filled with teams of doctors and specialists. He also might need radiation. ” This doctor even went ahead and consulted with a neurosurgeon. For based on Zephaniah’s scans and reports they were totally convinced that they had to cut his head open from ear to ear. They believed that everything that they were telling us was absolute truth. We did not accept this truth for our son. For us these were “evil tidings”. So we had to “fix our hearts” to continue trusting in the Lord, no matter what was being told to us or what it looked like to us.

From that point on we became almost brutal with our faith. It seemed like we had everyone across the globe praying for Zephaniah. Our Pastor, our church family, friends, our relatives, friends of relatives. We as a family would lay hands on him and pray over him. Our prayer was always the same – thanking the Lord for healing him and working a miracle on Zephaniah, preventing the need for this serious surgery.

The Lord answered our prayers. He gave us just what we asked for, a miracle. One of the greatest miracles our family had ever experienced. As time progressed, subsequent scans revealed that the tumor had “inexplicably” detached itself from the brain. Then it became “just a mass”. Needless to say, not a scalpel or a knife ever touched our son’s head. Instead the doctor was guided to go up through his nasal cavity to remove the mass.

The Psalmist in Psalm 112, spoke of a man who “feareth the Lord”. He said that that man would be blessed when he feared (not scared or afraid of, but reverenced, honored, trusted) the Lord. He encourages us to fix our hearts in that position of trust – knowing exactly what our Lord is capable of and knowing that He can do “exceeding, abundantly above whatever we ask or could ever ask of Him”. He will even show us and give us wisdom in the toughest of times on what to do, how to do it, when to do it. He will also direct us to those who will help us through it.

I was later able to share Psalm 112:7 with a friend of mine whose brother was actually going to undergo a procedure with his heart. They found comfort through this scripture in a different way. For them it became a prayerful mantra that his “heart was fixed” because they trusted in the Lord.

So I encourage all who are reading this, no matter what challenges come your way, whatever “evil tidings” you may be broached with. Don’t fear it, fix your heart and trust in our Lord and His uncompromising promises found in His word. Make Psalm 112:7 your personal prayer TODAY. Things around us are changing constantly, what is true today may not be true tomorrow. But the Word of God stands forever and our Father changes not.

Much Love & God’s Very Best! Your Family at God’s Dynamics Family Building