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Seize The Day!

Seize The Day!

Hi Family!

“Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero”, shortened “carpe diem”, is a Latin quote written by the Roman poet, Horace. It encourages us to “Seize The Day”. We are to relish in the present moments we have, enjoying life to the fullest, doing presently what we can TODAY and leaving the concerns for tomorrow where they are…in our tomorrow.

In Matthew 6:34 Jesus, our Lord and Savior, guides us in such a way as well. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Today has jam-packed within it enough things to occupy us. We miss Today when our focus is on tomorrow. We miss the present when our eyes are already on the future. Precious time, valuable moments are fleeting and we must place our energies on making the best of every experience.

Our lives should never be founded on regret – on the “wish I, shoulda, coulda. Its never “too late” when we take advantage of what we can now.

So, hold your loved ones a little tighter. Express your love a bit stronger. Make what was wrong right. Take a trip, a walk, a hike. Take moments to play, to laugh. Cherish every new memory you can make. Share some hope with those who need it. Inhale deep, healing, life-giving breaths, then exhale and release every stress in your system.

You’re Alive! The Lord, our Father, has given you this moment to live it. So do just that.

Create A Wonderfully Blessed And Outstanding Day TODAY!

Much Love & God’s Very Best!  Your Family at God’s Dynamics Family Building