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The Missing Ingredient

The Missing Ingredient

Hi Family!

A few nights ago our youngest daughter helped me by preparing a caesar salad for dinner. She later said that although she had been so looking forward to having this salad she didn’t care for the taste of this particular caesar salad. I asked her why. She said, “I don’t know, it just doesn’t taste the same. It taste like it’s missing something.” After a bit she chuckled, holding a small packet of herbs, and said, “Maybe it taste like that because I didn’t put this in there….I just didn’t feel like putting it in there.” I explained to her that she couldn’t expect to get the results she was looking for if she chose to leave a key ingredient out.

In today’s society, it is vital to have the Lord flowing through every aspect of family life. I believe families have forgotten what great power they have when the Lord is present that it’s become so easy to leave Him out, yet even harder to not have Him in. Overcoming family hurdles can be challenging if we’re not motivated by the hope He offers. Without Him the true dynamics falls apart leaving in it’s wake hurt and broken families.

Our Lord has the power to affect the development, strength and stability of a growing family. For “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.” – Psalm 127:1 He drives us spiritually, physically and morally. He is the life force of the family. Yet, as society progressed, became more technologically evolved and inundated with so much “more”, it caused us to have less capacity to hold God in our hearts. He and His originally intended purpose for the family has been radically replaced by different systems, ideologies and ideals. Solomon wisely explains his observation, which is still so relevant today, by stating, “Lo this only have I found that God hath made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions.” – Ecclesiastes 7:29 In Jeremiah 2:32, the Lord made a statement which ached my heart: “Can a maid forget her ornaments or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number.” This is sadly symbolic of how the provisions have taken precedence over the Provider.

Our Father and Lord is the family’s vital, yet many times missing, ingredient. He and His Word is the key to building a strong, thriving family dynamic. It is well said by Saint Augustine, and now more imperative than ever for families and society today, that we have to “Restore to health the eye of the heart whereby God may be seen.”

Much Love & God’s Very Best!  Your Family at God’s Dynamics Family Building