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Speak Who You Want Your Child To Be

Speak Who You Want Your Child To Be


There are so many factors that determine the character traits your child will exhibit. You may have heard about the Nature versus Nurture debate. They question if it’s our heredity or our environment and learned experiences which determine the final product of the person we portray. I conclude that both are contributors. However, I believe the things we are exposed to verbally, environmentally, things we hear and things we see shape us in a more definitive way.

Our words are suggestive and can influence how our children think about themselves. The things we say to them at any phase of life will work its way in and be interwoven into the tapestry of their character. Imagine hearing most of your life, “You are a genuinely beautiful person inside and out” or “You are so smart”, maybe even, “You are so talented”. Wouldn’t you grow to believe it? Wouldn’t you know that’s exactly who you are? For as the Word says, as one thinks in his heart so is he. You have formulated a belief system that has become your living truth. “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” – Proverbs 16:24 How about the person that, from they are a child hearing, “You’re bad”, “Why can’t you be more like….”, “Shut up, I’m sick of you”, “You’re not that bright”, “You’re ugly”, “You’re an idiot”, “You won’t amount to anything”. Can you imagine the product of those words? “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” – Proverbs 15:4

The Word of God reminds us that we are destined to reap what we sow. What kinds of things do you want harvested in your children? What kinds of things are you surrounding them with? What is your home environment like verbally? Peaceful or volatile or do you not communicate with them at all? Do you hug them, kiss them, love them or lavish them with praise? Or do you ignore them? When you speak, do you spit words at them? A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it can break the children.

Speak life into your children. Speak success into them. Speak liberation from fear. Bolster them with your uplifting words. Build their confidence. Speak words of affection so they will know how to show affection, compassion, regard and love. Speak the words that our Divine Father would say about them. Shape them with your words.

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