Home Life “Can Your Gladness Feed The World’s Hunger?”

“Can Your Gladness Feed The World’s Hunger?”

“Can Your Gladness Feed The World’s Hunger?”

“The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the world’s deep hunger meet.” ~ Frederick Bueckner

What place is the Lord calling you to? What position have you been placed in? What is your deepest longing or passion? What is it that you know that God has designed you for that will help to satiate the world’s deepest hunger? Is it in the area of finances, creating laughter, public speaking, health, education, wellness, environment, art, missions, building homes, encouraging lives, caring for the disabled, theater, singing, peace talks, etc.?

These are some of the questions you may ask yourself as you travel on your journey to your life’s purpose and destiny. These questions will eliminate the distractions of experiences that don’t serve to enhance your deep gladness.
Take some time TODAY to do an in depth self-contemplation and self-evaluation. More importantly, seek the Lord, your Creator and Author of your unique design. Ask Him for what purpose did He create you. Pursue the Answer! Then eventually, without question, you will hear the Lord say, as He did in Isaiah 30:2, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’”

Dear Lord, I love and trust you.
You are my Sovereign Lord and Supreme Designer. I know You created me for a great
Purpose and Fruitful Destiny. Please reveal to me the place where I can be most effective for You.
Show me my Purpose and how to meet the needs of those You have called me to.
Give me the grace to walk out my destiny.
Help me to impact many lives in the most positive ways. Use me for Your glory.
In Christ name, Amen.