Home Life The Silent Sufferer

The Silent Sufferer

The Silent Sufferer

“Unless the Lord had been by help, my soul would soon have settled in silence. If I say, ‘My foot slips’, your mercy, O Lord, will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” – Psalm 94: 17-19

There are two types of Silences that gives us vastly different results. The first is when we Silence the mind and soul. This silence creates invigoration, rejuvenation and a refreshed, positive, outlook on life. The Lord encourages us to “Be still” and know that He is God. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that He truly is in control of everything and is working all things together for our good. There is no challenge that is beyond possibility of solution for Him. In that silence and stillness we resolve within ourselves that we are never and will never be alone. Those silent times of prayer and meditation produce wonderful moments of intimacy, which will nurture our beautiful and blossoming relationship with our Lord and Father.
However, there is the second type of Silence, the suffering silence. This silence causes an erosion to our mind, body and soul. It inevitably becomes a detriment to our entire well-being. It is where we remain unwilling to be transparent about our hurts or challenges. In essence we choose to be closed mouth and broken. It is the kind of silence where we attempt to do things by ourselves, to heal by ourselves without the help of the Lord or without the help of those He may send our way. It is this suffering kind of silence where isolation becomes our unhealthy remedy and the procurer to an even greater problem. In Genesis, the Lord clearly declares that it is not good for anyone to be alone. We were not designed by Him to handle anything by ourselves.
Have you, as the scripture states in Psalm 94, “settled in silence”? Is your soul agonizing because it is bound in silence? Well Beloved, please allow the Lord to be your Help. Don’t allow your soul to settle in that painful space of silence. If you say (not being silent), your “foot slips”, as the Word encourages, His mercy will hold you up. Any multitude of anxieties, challenges or issues you may have, cry out to Him and His comforts will delight your soul. Choose to be delivered TODAY.

Dear Lord, I trust You. I cannot do this alone. I need Your help.
I will no longer keep silent. I need Your Love and Your voice to guide me.
Thank You for never leaving me nor forsaking me.
I know that my deliverance and victory comes through You.